C. V.

Updated: 09/08/2024


  • JHU email: h.q@jhu.edu
  • Personal email: hanqecon@outlook.com


Economist, Bates White Economic Consulting (2024/9-)

Short-term consultant, World Bank, 2020-21


PhD in Economics, Johns Hopkins University (expected 2024)

BA in Economics, Minor in Mathematics, Peking University (2018)

Research Interest

Labor, Applied Micro, Applied Econometrics

Teaching Interest

  • Undergraduate: microeconomics (all levels), game theory, market design, statistics and econometrics (all levels), causal inference, computational economics, labor economics, economics of poverty and inequality, economics of social welfare programs, etc.
  • Graduate: topics in labor economics, structural approaches in applied microeconomics, etc.

Research Papers

  • “Estimating Labor Market Monopsony Power from a Forward-looking Perspective” [PDF, Online Appendix] (Revised and resubmitted)
  • “Human Capital Transferability and Employer Monopsony Power” [Job Market Paper, PDF]
  • “Growing Up Together: Sibling Correlation, Parental Influence, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Developing Countries” with Nazmul Ahsan, Shahe Emran, Hanchen Jiang, and Forhad Shilpi [World Bank working paper]
  • “Cohort Trends in Women’s Employment: The Role of Family Structure” with Robert Moffitt and Prerna Rakheja [work in progress]
  • “Identification and Estimation of a Lifecycle Model on Labor Market Monopsony” [second dissertation chapter, work in progress]


Elements of Microeconomics [evaluation: 4.31/5]2021 SummerPrimary instructor
Econometrics (PhD) [evaluation: 5.00/5]2022 Spring, 2023 SpringTA / section instructor
Econometrics (Undergraduate)2023 Fall (ongoing)TA / section instructor
Elements of Microeconomics [evaluation: 4.28/5]2020 SpringTA / section instructor
Elements of Macroeconomics [evaluation: 4.48/5]2020 FallTA / section instructor
Economics of Health2019 FallTA
Economics of Poverty and Inequality2021 FallTA
Investments and Portfolio Management2022 FallTA


9th Conference on Social and Economic Data, Berlin (2023), International Workshop on Establishment Panel Analyses, Nürnberg (2023), Johns Hopkins Applied Microeconomics Seminar (2022, 2023), Bates White, Jinan University, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Liaoning University, Eastern Economic Association (2024), Midwest Economic Association (2024)


  • Joel Dean Undergraduate Teaching Award, Johns Hopkins University (2020)
  • Provost Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (2022)
  • Sylvia and Wilifried Prewo Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (AY 2022/2023)
  • Merit student, Peking University (2015, 2016, 2017)
  • Leo Koguan scholarship, Peking University (2015, 2016)


  • Graduate Advisory Council, JHU Economics Department (AY 2022/2023)
  • Virtual session chair, Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting (2021)


  • Softwares: Stata, MATA, Matlab, Python, Latex, MS Office
  • Languages: Chinese Mandarin (native), English (fluent)
