

[teaching evaluation PDF]

Elements of Microeconomics [evaluation: 4.31/5]2021 SummerPrimary instructor
Econometrics (PhD)2022, 2023, 2024 SpringTA / section instructor
Econometrics (Undergraduate)2023 FallTA / section instructor
Elements of Microeconomics [evaluation: 4.28/5]2020 SpringTA / section instructor
Elements of Macroeconomics [evaluation: 4.48/5]2020 FallTA / section instructor
Economics of Health 2019 FallTA
Economics of Poverty and Inequality2021 FallTA
Investments and Portfolio Management2022 FallTA

Undergraduate Teaching Interest

  • Microeconomics (all levels), game theory, market design
  • Statistics and econometrics theory, applied econometrics, causal inference
  • Economics of labor, social welfare programs, poverty and inequality

Graduate Teaching Interest

  • Topics in labor economics
  • Structural approaches in applied microeconomics